Friday, July 10, 2015

First Alligator attack in 8 years which causes a human death

(source: Anthony Baker)
On July 4th it was reported that a man in Orange county, Texas a man and a women where swimming in a bayou and they where attacked by a large American Alligator.

They where swimming in the bayou despite warning signs confirming the presence of alligators in the area and according those in the area the an shouted "F-ck the Alligators" in reply to a warning of the large animals.

The next thing witness recount is of the man being grabbed by a large alligator.

On July 6th a large Alligator was found in Orange county dead after it had been illegally killed. It was confirmed to be the same animals which killed the Orange county man 2 days before.

The animal was 11.2 feet and was large enough to kill an adult man.

Video at this link:

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