Thursday, July 30, 2015

Large Burmese python killed in Warren county



On July 28th a large Burmese python measuring 14 feet 7 inches and weighted 160 pounds was killed in Warren county Missouri.

Neighbors claim small animals such as chickens and dogs had  gone missing in recent weeks and blame the large snake for eating them.

The animal is a possible released pet that became to large for the owner to take care of.

The snake was killed was shot with a shotgun twice.


Friday, July 24, 2015

Monocled Cobra kills 18 year old man in Texas

(Credit: Wikimedia)

On july 16 a Monocled Cobra is believed to have bitten and killed its owner who was found dead in his truck. Two pucture marks where found on his wrist.

The following day the snake was confirmed as dead as it was run over by a car.


Friday, July 17, 2015

Large Sanke kills and consumes Crocodle

I thought this video was interesting and thought I should share. This video shows a large Scrub python killing and eating a Fresh water crocodile.


Friday, July 10, 2015

First Alligator attack in 8 years which causes a human death

(source: Anthony Baker)
On July 4th it was reported that a man in Orange county, Texas a man and a women where swimming in a bayou and they where attacked by a large American Alligator.

They where swimming in the bayou despite warning signs confirming the presence of alligators in the area and according those in the area the an shouted "F-ck the Alligators" in reply to a warning of the large animals.

The next thing witness recount is of the man being grabbed by a large alligator.

On July 6th a large Alligator was found in Orange county dead after it had been illegally killed. It was confirmed to be the same animals which killed the Orange county man 2 days before.

The animal was 11.2 feet and was large enough to kill an adult man.

Video at this link:

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Alligator attacks and eats a dog in Florida

Alligator mississippiensis - Oasis Park - 001.jpg
(Credit: Wikimedia)
A 8 foot American Alligator killed and consumed a dog in St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in Florida. Although the owner attempted to save the dog the alligator got away with the family pet.

Although this is very sad to hear it seems wildlife officers are taking the proper prepstive on this with one officer saying "I can't punish an alligator for being an alligator...That's just an alligator being its normal self." and saying "People just need to understand that we are a national wildlife refuge, and first and foremost, we are there for the wildlife."

The officers do hand out a flyer called "A guide to living with Alligators" (linked below) This includes safety tips when dealing with alligators


A guide to living with Alligators:

First Alligator attack on a human this year

The first alligator attack on a human happen late last month in Texas. A 13 year old boy was bitten on the arm and leg by a alligator in the 6 foot to 8 foot range. Luckily his father was present and was able to help fight the animal off, but was also injured during the attack.


New post coming

Sorry about the two month lay off, but post will be coming in the coming days and weeks!

Until then here is a video of a tortoise attacking a cat!